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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Benefits of nut consumption

I was reading the American Journal of Clinical nutrition and found an interesting study on nut consumption and incidence of cardiovascular disease.
Nuts are rich in nutrients like folate,niacin,vitaminD,vitB6.They are rich in Macronutrients such as unsaturated  fatty acids,dietary fiber,phytoestrogens,phytochemicals,andmicronutrientssuch as essential minerals including Copper,magnesium,potassium and zinc.
Nut consumption reduces risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
     magnesium was shown to decrease BP by acting as caLcium channel  blocker.
Nut intake improved lipid profiles,increasd fiber intake.
Nut consumption reduced inflammatory markers like CRP"    IL6,fibrinogen.Overall reduced mortality in males with nut consumtion.

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