I use Manuka honey which has 12 to 15 antibacterial components.I have used Manuka honey lozenges for sore throat and cough.
All these are available at my office at all times.
There was an article in Science Daily recently which suggests that bioactiveconstituents of honey may provide alternate modes of antibacterial action.honey has ability to fight infection on multiple levels making it more difficult for bacteria to develop resistance.honey uses, hydrogen peroxide,acidity,osmotic effect,high sugar concentrations,polyphenols,to fight infection.
Osmotic effect draws water from bacteria and dehydrates them,killing them.
The various polyphenols in honey are,phenolic acids,caffeic acids,p- coumarin acid and ellagic acid.
Honey had antioxidant ,antibacterial,anti virulence properties.
Honey can be used to treat chronic wound infections,catheter infections,chronic sinusitis,burn wounds.
Honey needs to be sterilized by gamma radiation.honey can boost immune system and can replace table sugar when fighting common cold.