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Friday, June 10, 2016

Tremors and gluten

This is a very interesting information.
Usually,the treatment for tremors of hands or any other part of body is to give propranolol,a beta blocker and or Botox shots.
The treatment is expensive with Botox and results are no good.
We are finding out more and more that We Are What we eat!
A hidden gluten sensitivity can manifest as tremors.
Holding all gluten from diet for atleast 6 months has reduced the tremors significantly.
Another study revealed that stopping all processed meat eating has reduced tremors significantly.
If you want to be tremor free then leave off gluten and all processed meat.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Cilantro chelation pesto

Chlorella is very good to remove heavy metals and chlorella tablets or powder may be added to the recipe if pesto.
I also grow sorrel and a cup of leaves can be added to the pesto recipe and it belongs to the dock family of plants that was used to purify lymph.

Detox with cilantro pesto

Please excuse me for not writing for past couple of months,but I felt compelled to share with everybody a metal detox done natures way in a blog of Byzantine flowers.
I am going to modify the writing a little bit.
Cilantro or coriander is a great green herb.
In India,coriander is a very popular herb green that is widely used as a garnish for years.
I will share the recipe first of cilantro pesto.
Cilantro Chelation pesto
4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil nuts(selenium)
1/3 cup sunflower seeds(cysteine)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds(zinc and magnesium)
2 cups of fresh packed cilantro( vitaminA)
2/3 cup flaxseed oil
4 tbs lemon juice( vitamin C)
2 tsf dulse powder
Sea salt to taste

Cilantro chelates heavy metals from the body in a relatively short time.
2 tsf of this pesto daily for three weeks is enough to increase excretion in urine of lead, mercury,aluminum.
Process the cilantro and flax seed oil in a blender and then add garlic loves ,nuts,lemon juice.
Store in dark bottles.

Cilantro pesto
1 to 2 garlic cloves
Raw pine nuts or sunflower seeds
1 cup fresh cilantro  leaves
1 /2 jalapeƱo pepper or chili powder.
2 tbsf lime or lemon juice.
6 tablespoonful olive oil
1/4 tsf cumin
Sea salt and ground pepper to taste
I will write about the different chemicals in cilantro next blog.