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Monday, December 26, 2016


We are home or the holidays!
Our daughter is expecting her first baby!a baby girl!
How exciting!
I am trying to make different foods for her to try that would be healthy and at the same time delicious.
I had heard of chimichurri during our visit to South America,a few years ago.
I am going to share the receipt I used with you all.
1/2 cup cilantro leaves
1/2 cup parsley
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 tsp crushed pepper
1/2 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tbs minced garlic
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp of black pepper  
1/2 tsp dried oregano
Blend all ingredients in food processor.
It is ready to be had with toasted bread or ciabatta bread slices with some small cubes of avocado
as Bruchetta.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Chai Tea

The cold weather is approaching fast.It is time for Soups and Teas.
Have you heard of Masala Chai tea?
Masala chai is the typical Indian name for hot tea.
Masala means spices.
The spices added to your tea could include one or all of the ollowing spices.
You can add dried ginger,black pepper,cinnamon powder,cardamom,cloves to call it masala chai.
An Indian grocery store in your town will have the above spices in appropriate proportions to make a cup of chai.
Just add 1/4 to 1/2 tsf of masala to a fresh brewed cup of tea,add milk to your liking,sweetener to your taste and you are ready to drink chai.
In case you do not have masala, you could just grate a 2 inches piece of ginger directly into the cup of tea along with 1/8 tsf of cinnamon and your tea will taste masLa like.
It's not just about taste but is healthy too.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Red meat and health

Do you know what is unprocessed red meat?
It is Beef,lamb,pork.
What is processed red meat?
It is hot dog,sausage,salami,cold cuts
All recent research and papers from our prestigious journals suggest that eating unprocessed red meat is associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer,breast cancer,heart disease,Diabetes,and all cause mortality from any disease.
The research also suggests that eating more fruits and vegetables along with unprocessed red meat does not negate or neutralize the high risk of cancer and other diseases caused by red meat.
It is recommended that unprocessed meat be eaten only once a week or so and the processed meat be eaten on special occasions only.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


We in the last blog were talking about Dr Fassanos research.
He also discovered Zonulin which is a protein that modulates the permeability of the tight junctions between the cells that line our digestive tract.
Zonulin is a leak insets regulator and a biological door to inflammation and auto immunity.
In food poisoning,Zonulin is triggered via immune system by bad bacteria you ate promoting diarrhea to flush bacteria out.once bacteria are gone Zonulin levels decrease and intestinal junctions become tight and close.
Gluten or any of its 50 epitopes is a strong trigger of Zonulin
Nobody can completely digest gluten.Undigested gluten can trigger release of Zonulin.
Once gluten is removed from diet,Zonulin leve,s decrease and healing starts.

Other variables that increase Zonulin are ,
Parasitic infections
Bacterial or fungal dysbiosis
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth( SIBO)
So to treat gut,
Remove foods and stress factors that damage gut.
Replace with digestive enzymes and healing foods
Repair with supplements
Rebalance with probiotocs

Autoimmune disease

Let us name some autoimmune diseases
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Crohn's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Sjögren's syndrome 
Dr Alessio Fasano PHD of Mass general hospital published a paper bringing in the concept that 3 things are necessary for autoimmune disease to develop.
1. Genetic susceptibility 
2. Environmental trigger
3.intestinal hyper permeability
He states genetic susceptibility is the gun,environmental triggers load the gun.
Intestinal hyperpermeability fires the gun.
Previously,it was thought that once autoimmune process was activated there were only relapse and remissions.
However Dr Fassanos research reveals the process can be modified and modulated by interrupting one of the triad.
The easiest to alter is the intestinal permeability.
The supplements that modify intestinal permeability are,
L glutamine
N-acetyl glucosamine
Mucilaginous herbs( fenugreek,licorice,marshmallow root,slippery elm.)
Direct acting antiinflammatory botanicals( oregano,berberine,artimesia)
Zinc carnosine
Omega3 fatty acids
Vitamin D
Digestive enzy

Digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes are from 3 sources,
Animal sources include,
Pancreatic,pepsin,trypsin,chyme trypsin.
Pancreatic is most widely used and has most of the enzymes necessary for digestion in small intestine.
It has protease to breakdown proteins into aminoacids,amylase to to cleave complex carbohydrates to simple sugars,lipase to break down lipids.

Plant sourced enzymes
Bromelain( from pineapple)
Papain from papaya
Ficinfrom fig tree latex
Actinidin from kiwi fruit 
These are proteolytic enzymes which break down proteins
They also help reduce inflammation.
Papain is contraindicated in Pregnancy.

Microbial sourced enzymes
Usually from fungi and bacterial sources can be used by vegetarians,vegans.
They survive well in stomach.
The microbial enzymes include Amylase,glucoamylase,protease,lipase and various saccharidases.
The latter include lactase to digest lactose,Alfa- galactosidase ( for digesting beans,legumes,Cruciferous vegetables.
These also have cellulose to digest cellulose,along with hemicellulase ,xylanase,pectin apse imp 
for digesting plant components.
Formulas with high cellulose activity( 2000-4000CU is of big help in digesting legumes and high fiber 
plant foods.


What are fodmap so anyway?
They are short chain carbohydrates.
Originally coined by researchers at Monash university,Australia.
These are natural components of many foods
Fodmap a are poorly absorbed.
The reason of poor absorption is related to reduced or absent digestive enzymes( hydrolases),
or to slow transport across intestinal mucosa.
Excess fodmaps in the distal small intestine and proximal colon exerts osmotic pressure,drawing more water in the lumen.
Fodmaps are rapidly fermented by colonic bacteria,producing gas,bowel dissension,altered motility.

Fructans are fructose polymers that are not absorbed in human intestines.
Most dietary fructans are consumed from wheat and onion.even if these do not have high amount of fructans,as people consume in higher amounts,it is a problem.
Galacto-oligosaccharides are available for colonic fermentation after eating due to lack of human alpha galactosidase.
Lactose is poorly absorbed in patients with lactase deficiency.It is mostly in dairy products,but also is 
added to breads,cakes.
Fructose is most abundant in Fodmaps.
It is present as a free sugar or generated from digestive breakdown of sucrose.
In the intestines this fructose is absorbed via a direct low capacity glucose transporter(GLUT) 5
and through GLUT -2 which is much efficient but needs the coexistence of glucose.
Because of this ,fructose is more likely to be malabsobed when present in excess of glucose
As in people with sucrose deficiency.
Main sources of fructose are fruits and fruit products,honey,foods with added high fructose sweeteners.
Polyols are sorbitol and mannitol are absorbed slowly by passive diffusion as they have no active transport system.They are in fruits and vegetables.
Sugar free chewing gum is high source of sorbitol. diet.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Shoes for knee arthritis

Recently there has been some research on special shoes for people with arthritis of knees,a very common problem.
Walking shoes with triple density,variable-stiffness midsole stand mild lateral wedge insoles designed to unload the medial knee seem to be the way to go.
Unloading shoes which have stiffness laterally than medically reduce knee loads medically.
Examples of the shoe system include,
ABEO SMART system(the walking company),
GEL- Mrlbourne OA or GEL -Melo(Asics)
The research did not prove that these shoes worked better than others but patients did show less pain and more comfort.
It's worth a try!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cinderella is a proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life

I always wondered why I could not ever get it right when buying walking shoes!
 I always went for open toed sandles or chappals.
I came across a resesearch about special shoes and helping with arthritis of the knees.
Non steroidal medicines can help but too many side effects.
Physical therapy is time consuming?
I will inform you of some shoes that were studied to help with knee joint pain.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Protein sources for vegetarians

Every body is always worried about not eating protein or rather not getting enough protein if one adopts a vegetarian diet.
I think it is a misunderstanding!
All green vegetables have protein,
All lentils have protein.
Recently the industry is focusing on chickpeas.
Chickpeas or garbanzos are a very good source of protein.
Chickpeas are very popular in Vegetarian Indian cuisine.
Chickpeas are washed and soaked overnight and I cook it in slow cooker over 6 to 8 hours on high and are ready and done when I return from work.
I sauté some tomatoes and onions in some coconut oil and then add chickpeas and add some salt,pepper,cumin powder and dried mango powder and we have a plateful of cooked garbanzos.
Garnish it with pomegranate arils.
Another source is black beluga lentils which are easier to cook in shorter time.
Tofu of course is a great source.
Have you heard of Halloumi?it is a meaty, semi hard cheese made from cow and goat and sheep milk.
It can be grilled and pan fried.Serve it topped with chimichurri
What about  Einkorn?
It is a relative of wheat,easier to digest,has lot of vitamins and minerals specially B vitamins,zinc,iron.
It has a nutty taste.
I will introduce you to more lentils and protein sources next few blogs.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fodmap diet : continued

So now what is low fodmap?

Oligosaccharides:(fructans,galacto oligosaccharides)
Bamboo shoots,bell peppers,bok choy,carrots,celery,chard,chayote,chives,choy sum,corn,eggplant,green beans,lettuce,parsnips,pumpkins,spring onions( green parts only),tomatoes,
Garlic infused oils.

Fruits:Bananas,blueberries,cantaloupes,carambola,durian,grapefruit,grapes,honeydew melon,kiwi,lemons,limes,mandarin,oranges,passion fruit,pawpaw,raspberries,strawberries,tangelos.

Gluten free and spelt bread and cereal products.
Canned chickpeas are ok.

Lactose free milk and yogurt,rice milk,
Hard cheeses,butter,icecream substitute like gelato and sorbet.
Maple syrup,golden syrup.

Sweeteners: sucrose and glucose.


What is this fodmap anyway?
Fermentable oligosaccharides,di saccharides,monosaccharides and polyols.
Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a very common medical problem.
A diet change can help significantly.
I will list foods that are high fodmap first.
Oligosaccharides:  vegetables :Artichokes,asparagus,beets,Brussels sprouts,broccoli,cabbage,fennel,garlic,leeks,okra,onions,peas,shallots.
Fruits: watermelon,Apple,white peaches,persimmon.
Wheat and rye eaten in large amounts( bread,pasta,couscous,cookies,crackers,biscuits)
Legumes: chickpeas,lentils,kidney beans,baked beans,soy beans.

Disaccharides (lactose)
Milk,yogurt,soft cheese,custard,icecream

Monosaccharides (fructose)
Fruits: apples,Asian pears,pears,mango,peaches,sugar snap peas,watermelon,canned fruit in natural juice,dried fruit,fruit juices,
Sweeteners: high fructose corn syrup

Vegetables: avocados,cauliflower,mushrooms,snow peas,sweet corn.
Fruits:apples,apricots,Asian pears,cherries,longon,lychee,nectarines,peaches,pears,plums,prunes,watermelon.

Sweeteners: isomalt,malt it'll,mannitol,sorbitol,xylitol

Friday, June 10, 2016

Tremors and gluten

This is a very interesting information.
Usually,the treatment for tremors of hands or any other part of body is to give propranolol,a beta blocker and or Botox shots.
The treatment is expensive with Botox and results are no good.
We are finding out more and more that We Are What we eat!
A hidden gluten sensitivity can manifest as tremors.
Holding all gluten from diet for atleast 6 months has reduced the tremors significantly.
Another study revealed that stopping all processed meat eating has reduced tremors significantly.
If you want to be tremor free then leave off gluten and all processed meat.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Cilantro chelation pesto

Chlorella is very good to remove heavy metals and chlorella tablets or powder may be added to the recipe if pesto.
I also grow sorrel and a cup of leaves can be added to the pesto recipe and it belongs to the dock family of plants that was used to purify lymph.

Detox with cilantro pesto

Please excuse me for not writing for past couple of months,but I felt compelled to share with everybody a metal detox done natures way in a blog of Byzantine flowers.
I am going to modify the writing a little bit.
Cilantro or coriander is a great green herb.
In India,coriander is a very popular herb green that is widely used as a garnish for years.
I will share the recipe first of cilantro pesto.
Cilantro Chelation pesto
4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil nuts(selenium)
1/3 cup sunflower seeds(cysteine)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds(zinc and magnesium)
2 cups of fresh packed cilantro( vitaminA)
2/3 cup flaxseed oil
4 tbs lemon juice( vitamin C)
2 tsf dulse powder
Sea salt to taste

Cilantro chelates heavy metals from the body in a relatively short time.
2 tsf of this pesto daily for three weeks is enough to increase excretion in urine of lead, mercury,aluminum.
Process the cilantro and flax seed oil in a blender and then add garlic loves ,nuts,lemon juice.
Store in dark bottles.

Cilantro pesto
1 to 2 garlic cloves
Raw pine nuts or sunflower seeds
1 cup fresh cilantro  leaves
1 /2 jalapeño pepper or chili powder.
2 tbsf lime or lemon juice.
6 tablespoonful olive oil
1/4 tsf cumin
Sea salt and ground pepper to taste
I will write about the different chemicals in cilantro next blog.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

MEND Protocol

Have you heard of this protocol?
Dementia,Alzeimers,memory loss,forgetfulness,all these to some extent have same underlying problem,i.e can't remember things well.
Most of the doctors ,even specialists,neurologists recommend only drugs like aricept or Namenda which really had not worked even when one took the expensive medications for months.
Mend protocol is Metabolic enhancement for neurodegeneration.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


You can use crushed hazelnuts as a topping for your smoothies.
They go well with cacao.
Hazelnuts have folate,manganese,copper.
You can make a smoothie bowl too like a bowl of cereal and top it with Crushed hazelnuts,dark chocolate.You can sprinkle some ground cardamom,or cinnamon.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Do you want to live longer and healthier- -------- continued

The following daily choices can help you live longer and better.
DIET is by far the most powerful intervention to delay aging and age related diseases.
SEDENTARY behavior,like sitting all day is a risk factor for early death.Moving a little matters,
Mindfulness meditatation can reduce stress and may slow biological aging by stabilizing Telomeres
To reduce stress find out what works for you,try to smile when you are in traffic,no road rage ofcourse or cussing.
Do some volunteering,i.e. Do some service.remember,in the joy of others lies your own!It will indeed give you happiness.
Try to sit together as a family and eat together and pray together.This will go a long way in improving your health.
I remember Micheal Pollan who said ,"Eat Food,not too much,mostly plants."
He also has written,"If it came from a plant eat it,If it was made in a plant don't."
You are what you eat!!!

Do you want to live longer and Healthier?

Recently,Time magazine,the February 22 nd 2016 issue had issue labeled The Longevity issue.
Can you name some animals that have real long life and don't get the bad chronic diseases that we get and succumb to.
The. Animals with long life are,
The ocean quqhog,the CLAM,can live more than 500 years.
Parrots can live well past 70 years
The naked mole rat can live upto 30 years.his skin is very elastic.
The Giant Tortoise can live more than 100 years.
The elephants can live upto 70 years,and generally cancer free.
The bowhead whale is thought to be the longest living mammal,can live way past 200 years,
The Brandt's bat found in Europe and Asia can live upto 40 years or more.
The thick billed murre,a bird can live 40 years or more.
The jelly fish is unique in that it is immortal.(turritopsis dornhi) is the Benjamin Button of the sea.
Instead of dying jelly fish gets younger and younger.until it stars it's life all over again.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sites to watch for info on Gluten
Culinary free-blogs/

Friday, February 12, 2016


Did you know it is not a pill u can pop but still does give you great results.
This is cleansing your heart.
You can forgive them for disagreements,petty quarrels,hate,grudges.
Forgiveness led to lower resting blood pressures,lower cortisols.
When someone forgives a person who has committed a transgression against him or her,it is the forgiven who changes and reaps benefits.
It was thought that forgiveness was a realm of religion and social sciences.
Forgiveness offers benefits at mind,body and spiritual levels.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dietary guidelines

Follow a healthy eating pattern across the life span.
Focus on variety,nutrient density,amount.
Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake
Shift to healthier food and beverage choices.
Support healthy eating pattern for all.
Healthy eating pattern includes,
A variety of vegetables like dark green red and orange,legumes,
Fresh whole fruits.
Grains,atleast half of which are whole grains.
Low fat dairy including milk,yogurt,cheese.
Fortified soy beverages
Variety of proteins including legumes,( beans ,peas),nuts ,seeds
Limit trans fats,added sugars,sodium.
Consume less than 10 % of calories per day from added sugars,
Less than10% calories from saturated fats.
Consume less than 1 drink per day in women
& upto 2  drinks per day in men.


Do you know what are PPI's?
I weaknessemusclse n cau have cahProton pump inhibitors! The most common prescription pill us d for heart burn or reflux symptoms.
Yes!it helps heartburn but do you know th side effects?
The most recent published data in Jan 2016 JAMA,prestigious medicine journal reveals they have been linked to acute interstitial nephritis,and CKD ( chronic kidney disease).
It is felt that these medicines are over prescribed and everyone who ncluding patients are not familiar with the bad side effects.
It can cause low magnesium ,muscle twitching,cardiac arrhythmia so.
Just supplementing magnesium may not be enough to correct the d fiche chinless PPIs are discontinued.
It can make you prone to Clostridium difficille infection.PPI reduce gastric acidity which promote colonization of these bad bacteria.
There is increased incidence of pneumonia.
Patients with Coronary artery disease and bypasses are generally prescribed anti platelet therapy
To reduce risk of coronary eventsPPi's are concurrently prescribed to prevent Gastrointestinal bleeding.
Plavix( generic clopidogrel)is metabolized to active forms by liver enzymes that also metabolize PPI's.
The competitive metabolism may lead to reduced activation of placid,reduced anti platelet effect and increased cardiac events.
Use of PPI's May decrease bone density and increase fracture risk.
One must check magnesium levels,serum creatinine for kidney function

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Curcumin vs Turmeric

A lot of people use turmeric pills from Walmart or SAMs club and then think they are taking the correct supplement which does not work to relieve joint pains as Turmeric is not the same as Curcumin.
Turmeric is a source of Curcumin.
Turmeric is derived from rhizomes( underground stems) of the plant Curcuma longs,which is a member of ginger family
Turmeric is responsible for yellow color of Indian curry and American mustard.
Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric.
Curcumin has anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties.
A typical turmeric root contains just 2 to 5 % Curcumin so one may need many many capsules of turmeric to get the effect of Curcumin.
Turmeric is best used as a spice in cooking, but for health benefits Curcumin is the best.
Curcumin in some studies showed good absorption if black pepper was added,but results were not consistent.
One particular form of Curcumin called BCM -95 is made by grinding Curcumin particles and then blending with turmeric essential oils ,making it a potent form of Curcumin.
Research has shown Curcumin to a lower risk of 
Arthritis,Alzeimer's disease,Cancer,heart disease,depression,Diabetes ,Psoriasis,wound healing,
Irritable bowel syndrome

Thursday, February 4, 2016


All of you have heard that The B vitamin called Biotin is good for nails,hair and skin.
Naturally,what foods are high in Biotin?
These are, Soybeans,Mushroom,pumpkin seeds,sunflower seeds,peanuts,tomatoes.
Biotin is necessary to build healthy fats in the skin.
It was determined by several studies that adding high biotin foods in a lactating mother reduced signs and symptoms of cradle cap in nursing babies.
Other sources of biotin include eggs,milk,meat,onion,carrots,Romaine lettuce,cauliflower,sweet potatoes,oats,bananas,raspberries,strawberries,watermelon,yogurt,grapefruit,cucumber.
However,a caution!
Do not eat raw eggs,as raw eggs can can interfere with biotin absorption,because raw eggs have avidin.
Seizure medications can cause biotin deficiency,hair loss,brittle nails,seborrhea can dermatitis.
A combination of biotin and zinc can help in seborrhea or dandruff.
One can give a trial of this supplement for 2 to 3 months.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


I wanted to share how I use this herb on a daily basis.
I have Two plants potted in my yard in ground and two of lemongrass plants potted in nice pots and currently they are in the house because of cold weather season.
Lemongrass is used in Thai foods.
Several years ago while we were traveling to Australia,we were served lemongrass tea.
This was just lemongrass leaves ( which look like blades of grass) and thick stems on the bottom 
Chopped well and warmed up at slow heat for 30 minutes or so.
One can strain it to drink.
Be careful as the leaf surface is sharp of the lemongrass.
In my herbal tea that we drink every morning I let fresh grated ginger,cardamom,mint leaves and lemongrass leaves cut into small pieces added to boiling water with tea leaveson slow heat.I add milk to this and boil again.
It is ready to start my day!
To one cup of water,1/3 to 1/2 a cup of low fat milk is usually plenty.

Herbs and memory

Did you know that herbs like Thyme,Rosemary,chamomile can improve memory,attention and focus?
Did you know all cultures across the world use different spices in foods and drinks.
When we are talking about thyme,I am reminded-indeed about the middle Eastern ZAATAR.
The main ingredients are thyme,sumac,coriander.Fennel,sesame,oregano,crushed red pepper is added to several varieties of Zataar.
I will show you a real easy way to use ZAATAR.
Take a pita bread,whole wheat or White wheat .Brush it with olive oil.
Add black olives cut into tiny pieces on to bread strike down all over.
Take some fresh mint and finely chop it and sprinkle again over the bread.
This is ready to be warmed up and served as appetizer or you can roll the pita bread and cut into small circles and eaten as a finger food.
Warm the bread in oven at350 degree for 10 minutes.