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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Beaming Broccoli

Past Saturday,at the BAPS mega health fair,I was asked to do a presentation as part of public health lecture series.
As I favour Vegetarianism,I had to think of something that would be so good that people would implement it on a regular basis to benefit their health.
Guess what?
Cruciferous vegetables top the list!
All my research came to one conclusion,3 day old Broccoli sprouts are healthiest and contain 20 to 50 times higher sulpforaphanes than mature broccoli heads.
One can use these sprouts in a salad or on a slice of bread or a croissant with some cream cheese and avocado.
I had a live demonstration of banana,blueberry,broccoli sprout smoothie.3 B smoothie
The ingredients are apple juice,banana,cup of blueberries,1/2 cup of broccoli sprouts,ice and blend.
Almond milk can be used instead of apple juice or even coconut water or plain filtered water.