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Monday, January 23, 2017


Anthocyanins are antioxidants found naturally in certain foods.They are responsible for the dark purple,red and blue color of fruits and berries and beans and vegetables.
The foods known to be rich in Anthocyanins are,
Blackberries and other berries like strawberries,raspberries,aroniaberries,blueberries,boysenberries,marionberries,elderberries.
I have particular interest in Black raspberries grown in Oregon in July and confer great health benefits.

This chart is from Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission.
ORAC value is a measure of a substances ability to absorb oxygen free radicals.
Oxygen free radicals can damage DNA,cause cellular changes,oxidize LDL cholesterol 
and cause premature aging.

2. Cherries.
Tart cherries have lot more Anthocyanins.

3.Black Currants.

4.Grapes ( skin of grapes)





9.Purple red cabbage 

10.Purple Asparagus 

11.Red fleshed Peaches

12.Black Beans and Red Kidney beans.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Supplements that can be beneficial in preventing Breast cancer via modifying estrogen metabolism.

DIM di Indole methane found in garlic and onions


Alfa lipoic acid ALA

NAC n acetyl cysteine


Cruciferous vegetables

Flax seed meal lignans

Folic acid,B6, B12

Milk and meat both have estrogens so reduce consumption.

Soy (not fractionated)


Monday, January 2, 2017

Foods that help fight colds this time of the year

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds have lot of zinc which is important for our immune function
Pumpkin seeds can be sprinkled over salads,soups,vegetables.
I have seen roasted spiced pumpkin seeds in stores which have pretty good taste.

Very good high iron low calorie food.
It's always my choice to add something warm when I am ready to serve my salads.
I sauté the mushrooms in little butter or olive oil and sprinkle over my salads.
I also steam or boil some shelled edamame with some oregano and salt and use it in salads or over vegetables.

Kefir is made when milk is fermented by yeasts and lactic acid bacteria.
What is the difference between yogurt and kefir?
Kefir is supposed to have more variety and more number of beneficial bacteria than yogurt.
Both are great foods.
Plain kefir or yogurt is always better than sweetened kefir or yogurt.
Remember this has to do with so called probiotics or good bacteria.

Kiwi fruit
Kiwi has more than a days supply of Vitamin C.
It can reduce severity of upper respiratory infections.
I add kiwi fruit to my green smoothies after peeling the fuzzy skin on outside of the kiwi fruit.

Barley is a healthy grain.
It had a soluble fibre called beta glucagon which helps in giving anti inflammatory properties to Barley.
I use barley in vegetable soups,or cook it with rice or use cooked barley in salads.

I have used elderberry cough syrups with very good results.
I tell my patients to use Aroniaberry chews,or use Aroniaberry concentrate in water and drink it when one has cold yo reduce duration.