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Friday, August 4, 2017

Peanut allergy

The national institute of allergy and infectious disease has given new guidelines for peanut allergy prevention.
Foods containing peanuts can be introduced into diet of infants 4 to 6 months of age even if they have eczema and or egg allergy.
If infant has mild to moderate eczema,peanut containing foods can be introduced at 6 months of age.
There is a skin prick test for very highly allergic groups where peanut specific IG,Ecan be measured.
If skin prick testing with peanut extract results in a whealof upto 2 mm then risk of allergy is low.
A wheal of 3 to 7 M suggests high risk of allergy.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Special salad

I want to share some ideas about eating salads.
It does not have to be the lettuce head all the time.You can use Romaine lettuce too.
You can steam some root vegetables like a potato,yam,parsnip,carrot,half a beet.
To this add roughly chopped romaine lettuce.sprinlkle some pieces of cashews.
For the dressing,blend together ,1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk,1/4 cup raw cashews,
Garlic cloves,2 tsf of maple syrup,salt and black pepper to taste,some lime zest,1/2 tablespoon
Of lime or lemon juice.can add chopped parsley or tarragon,add vinegar 1 tsf.