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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hot chocolate

I have been craving for hot chocolate since the weather is on the cooler side right now in Texas and my nephews in New Delhi are singing glories of Ghiradeli hot chocolate sendingmephotos sipping on it in Delhi where it is even colder than Texas.
I would start with giving you different combinations of how I have used hot chocolate.
One can use nut milks like almond milks or cashew milk or any nut milk,specially if you are vegan.
If not milk plus 1 or 2 heaping tsf of hot chocolate.Be sure milk is hot.
To tthis combination add 1/2 tsf of cardamom and a pinch of cinnamon.
Another variation of this is add 1 tbsf of pumpkin purée mixed with tsf of maple syrup and add to hot chocolate and stir.
Sip and enjoy.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Dr.Dave's recipe of GOLDEN MILK

1 cup milk
3/4 tsf turmeric powder
1/4 tsf cinnamon powder
1/4 tsf cardamom powder
1 tsf Manuka honey or 1 tsf maple syrup
1/4 tsf cayenne pepper
1 tsf chopped ginger fresh or dried powder.
1/4 tsf black pepper ground

Almond milk can be used instead of regular milk.
I like to add 1/2 tsf of ghee or butter to the milk as my mom used to do .
It reminds me of Dave Aspreys  coffee with butter.
One can use 2%,or1% milk