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Sunday, November 19, 2017


Really Buckwheat is not wheat.
It is the seeds of a flowering plant like quinoa.
It is gluten free.
It is gelatinous when cooked.
It is very useful in Diabetes mellitus in controlling sugars as it is a complex carbohydrate and does not release sugars right away.
The same thing happens to a cooked potato.If a potato is cooked or baked and then stored overnight in refrigerator the next morning it can be consumed by a person with diabetes as it has formed complex carbohydrates.
Toasted buckwheat is called KASHA.
Buckwheat contains Rutin that strengthens capillaries.
Buckwheat in Hindi as KUTTU
Soba noodles are made with buckwheat
Buckwheat has plant lignans which are converted by the friendly gut flora into products that protect against cancer.
Buckwheat is derived from a Dutch word bockweit meaning beechwheat.
It reflects the beech nut shape.
It has a lot of insoluble fiber so it prevents gall stones.

Gluten grains

Gluten of wheat is used in breads,baked goods,pasta,soups,cereals,salad dressings.

Is traditionally not gluten free because of crop contamination between wheat and oats.
However,if oats has the label of gluten free then they are gluten free because of how they are cultivated.

What are groats?
Groats are Ny grains that are minimally processed to remove its outer husk or hull called chaff.
Grits retain germ and bran
Steel cut oats are oat groats that have been cut into small pieces.

Bulgur wheat is a heat grain that is toasted and cracked.

Freekeh is a young green wheat that is toasted and cracked.

Farro is a specific wheat that is chewy when cooked

Grains gluten free and gluten containing

Triticale is a cross between wheat and rye.

Derivatives of wheat that also contain gluten are,

Wheat berries
Spelt or donkey
Kamut. (Khorasan wheat)
Emmer( red wheat)
 Bulgur wheat

Is used in malts,food coloring,soup, beer,Brewers yeast.

Is used in breads,cereals,beer