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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Varicose vein s treatment continued

Warm baths can help reduction of the varicose veins.
Soak in Bath of 1 cup of raw apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoonful of powdered  Ginger for 15 minutes to half an hour,then rinse with cold water.
Father Sebastian Kneipp of Germany used cold water leg baths

Foods that strengthen tissues in body are bioflavonoids and Silicon.
Foods like ,
Cabbages of all kinds,blackberries,cherries,pineapple,garlic,pineapple,onions,
White pulp of organic grapefruits and oranges.
Ginger,cayenne and Teas improve circulation
Oat straw tea is high in silicon
Herb called Butchers Broom may be taken as tea or as capsules.
Bioflavonoids plus vitamin C,
Quercetin C
Vitamin E is beneficial in helping blood flow .
Applying vitamin E oil helps soften dry skin.
Avoid alcohol and smoking.
You can see small red blood vessels that are weakened  on faces of people who smoke and drink
Rutin is the strongest bioflavonoid for stengthening tissues.
Of course now surgery is available to treat varicose veins.

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