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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Which is the best form of oats to eat?

I have heard of three varieties of oats,steel cut oats, rolled oats, instant oatmeal.
Now are all of them same nutritionally?
Let us see ,we have tendency to eat instant that does not take much time specially for breakfast.
FYI, instant oats have the lowest nutritional value as they are precooked and dehydrated to make them ready to eat when you add hot water.
Rolled oats are steamed and squeezed during processing making them easier to cook,but does lose some nutritional value.
Steel cut oats are whole oat groats that have been cut into thirds.
They are dense and take a long time to cook.
I usually soak steel cut oats at night in skimmed milk or water and cook it next morning and then it really does not take enough time to cook.
Now, we have little science, oats scientific name Avena sativa is a hardy cereal grain that can grow in poor soil too .
Oats are roasted after harvesting and cleaning.they are hulled but the bran  and germ stay in.tact to keep nutrients and fiber.
Gluten sensitivity and oats
People with celiac disease or more common gluten sensitivity  cannot eat gluten present in 
Oats,oat bran,oatmeal have a fiber called Beta Glucan which is known to lower cholesterol levels.
Avenanthramides are antioxidants unique to oats help prevent free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol, making it heart healthy.
Oats stabilize blood sugar.Ats are rich in Magnesium, a mineral which is a cofactors for more than 300 enzymes.
Oats are also available as oat bran which is outer layer of the grain that is under the hull.
It is found in rolled oats and steel cut oats.
Oat flour is used in baking.Oat groats are available as cereal.
Oats have Manganese and molybdenum,magnesium,phosphorus,copper,biotin,fiber.
They also have purines which can breakdown to Uric acid and cause gout.
So with severe gout patients it is a caution.However it is found that meat and fish purines increase risk of gout while purines from plant foods fail to change the risk.

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