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Sunday, August 31, 2014


The other day I had somebody come to the office and said ,vow it is that office that treats u as a whole person and not just prescriptions.I said, that was just right as I right prescriptions judiciously and use foods and nutrition to help body heal.
Our first aim is "do no harm".The Latin is Primum non nocere.
I want to share some information on Curcumin.
Curcumin is the active ingredient extracted out of turmeric,the yellow spice used in Indian cooking.
I have been used to cooking vegetables and lentils and even rice with turmeric for a long time since isaw my mom and my grandmothers and my aunts all cook foods using turmeric.
In fact they knew antiinflammatoryeffects of turmeric.
If we came with sore throat or cough we all were supposed to drnk a cup of warm milk to which is added 1 tsf of turmeric,1/4 tsf of salt and a tsf of clarefied butter or ghee.
Most of the times we got better with these dimple measures.
I remember my grandmother make a poultice of turmeric powder and some leaves of some cactuses and use over inflamed osteoarthritic joints.
Recently scientists came up with research that adding black pepper to Curcumin increases bioavailability of Curcumin by 20 fold.
I also learnt that adding black pepper to tahini which is ground up white sesame seeds increases absorption of tahini 6 fold minimum.
In the past 20 years, there have been around 26,700 articles mentioning curcumin and cancer (18,600 in the past 5 years, 12,900 in the last year). Most research has been benchtop or animal studies, but there have been at least 66 clinical trials, 21 involving cancer. Some phytopharmaceutical companies participate with enhanced bioavailability formulations like Meriva. As you might imagine, researchers from India are well represented, most notably Bharat Aggarwal of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Instutute in Houston.

 • Back in 2001, in a last ditch attempt to save the lives of 15 patients with advanced colorectal cancer that didn't respond to any of the standard chemotherapy agents or radiation, they started them on a turmeric extract. It appeared to help stall the disease in a third of the patients, 5 out of 15, suggesting turmeric extract may cause clinical benefit in at least some patients with advanced refractory colorectal cancer.
To see if they could prevent colon cancer, five years later, researchers at Cleveland Clinic and Hopkins tested two phytochemicals, curcumin (from turmeric) and quercitin, (found in red onions and red wine) in people with familial adenomatous polyposis. Colon cancer forms from polyps, and there's this disease that runs in families in which you develop hundreds of polyps, which will eventually turn into cancer unless you have your colon prophylactically removed. So they took five such patients who already had their colons removed, but still either had their rectum, or a little intestinal pouch, which were still packed with polyps. This is where they started out, between 5 and 45 polyps each, and this is where they ended up after six months of curcumin and quercitin supplements. On average, they ended up with fewer than half the polyps, and the ones they had left, shrunk in half. Here's a representative endoscopic photograph before-and-after. Now you see them now you don't. But what about patient one? Got rid of all their polyps by month three, but then they seemed to come back. So they asked them what's what, and it turned out the patient stopped taking the supplements. Darn it. So they put 'em back on the phytonutrient supplements for another three months, and the polyps, came back down, all with virtually no adverse events and no blood test abnormalities.

By studying people at high risk for colon cancer there were able to show noticeable effects within just months. But polyposis is a rare disease; they were only able to recruit five people for the study. Thankfully smokers are a dime a dozen. Another five years later, researchers put 44 smokers on turmeric curcumin supplements alone, for a month and measured changes in their colorectal aberrant crypt foci, which may act like the precursors to polyps, which are the precursors to cancer. And we can see just one month there was a significant drop in the number of these abnormal crypt foci in the high dose supplement group but no change in the low dose group, with no dose-limiting side effects, although the stools in the participants did turn yellow.thanks to my mentor Dr.Mike Greger whom I follow regularly about his videos " nutrition".


There is so much to talk about Curcumin.
Topical Curcumin i.e Curcumin used as a paste and applied to oral ulcers,oral lichen planus,
Accessible cancers like skin mouth and vulva show response to topical Curcumin ointment.
Some of the cancers that produce fungating lesions and are ulcerated and have foul odor respond by reducing the smell and reducing the size of fungation.
It seems like in this day and age who would have that kind of cancer lesion?
Well, I have seen it multiple times.
They can stink itch and ooze.
Now there is always a question of who should not use Curcumin?
The first thing that comes to my mind is Pregnancy.
I would like to point out that turmeric as a spice can be used in pregnancy as it is used in cooking.
I myself used it in cooking during my 2 pregnancies and have watched my female family members use it too without restriction.
I am talking about Curcumin supplements use during pregnancy.
Next, Curcumin can cause stimulation and contraction of bile ducts and hence if somebody has gallbladder full of stones, it may not be healthy.As such Curcumin and turmeric are good for Liver.Studies using Curcumin in Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease has been found to be beneficial.
The other relative contraindication is  kidney stones as turmeric has oxalates.
Using very large amounts can increase risk of kidney stones.

Foods and cancer prevention

foods that may protect DNA include kiwifruit (Kiwifruit and DNA Repair), cruciferous vegetables (DNA Protection from Broccoli), leafy vegetables (Eating Green to Prevent Cancer), garlic (Cancer, Interrupted: Garlic & Flavonoids), green tea (Cancer, Interrupted: Green Tea (but which is better? Antimutagenic Activity of Green Versus White Tea), and plants in general (Repairing DNA Damage).
Curcumin comes no.1 
I also researched and read that black raspberry from Oregon has cancer protection potential.
I researched and found from pub med some good information.

Cancer Lett. 2008 Oct 8;269(2):281-90. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2008.05.020. Epub 2008 Jun 20.
Anthocyanins and their role in cancer prevention.
Wang LS1, Stoner GD.
Author information

Anthocyanins are the most abundant flavonoid constituents of fruits and vegetables. The conjugated bonds in their structures, which absorb light at about 500 nm, are the basis for the bright red, blue and purple colors of fruits and vegetables, as well as the autumn foliage of deciduous trees. The daily intake of anthocyanins in residents of the United States is estimated to be about 200 mg or about 9-fold higher than that of other dietary flavonoids. In this review, we summarize the latest developments on the anti-carcinogenic activities of anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich extracts in cell culture models and in animal model tumor systems, and discuss their molecular mechanisms of action. We also suggest reasons for the apparent lack of correlation between the effectiveness of anthocyanins in laboratory model systems and in humans as evidenced by epidemiological studies. Future studies aimed at enhancing the absorption of anthocyanins and/or their metabolites are likely to be necessary for their ultimate use for chemoprevention of human cancer.
PMID: 18571839 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC2582525 Free PMC Article
Images from this publication.See all images (2)Free text
The anthocyanins come from purple and blue fruits and vegetables like black raspberries,
Blackberries,blueberries,purple cabbage,purple potatoes
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2009 Mar;2(3):187-94. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-08-0226. Epub 2009 Mar 3.
Foodstuffs for preventing cancer: the preclinical and clinical development of berries.
Stoner GD.
Author information

Department of Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University, Innovation Centre, 2001 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, Ohio 43240, USA.
Laboratory research involving berries is a promising example of food-based cancer prevention. Berries contain many known chemopreventive agents such as anthocyanins and ellagitannins that can be greatly concentrated in freeze-dried berry powders. Based on our program of berry research, this commentary presents the first reported stepwise scheme for the preclinical and clinical development of foodstuffs for cancer prevention. Our preclinical work within this scheme includes promising approaches for assessing the chemopreventive potential of berry powder and berry extracts in preclinical model systems, for determining the mechanisms of action of these agents, and for identifying the active constituents in berries. The commentary also presents preliminary results of clinical trials in the oral cavity, esophagus, and colon using various formulations of freeze-dried berries. The relative merits of berry powders, extracts, or individual constituents (anthocyanins) for cancer prevention are also discussed.
PMID: 19258544 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC2769015 Free PMC Article
Images from this publication.See all images (2)Free text
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J Agric Food Chem. 2005 May 18;53(10):3909-15. 

Black raspberry extract and fractions contain angiogenesis inhibitors.
Liu Z1, Schwimer J, Liu D, Greenway FL, Anthony CT, Woltering EA.
Author information

Targeted therapies, such as agents that inhibit angiogenesis, offer hope as complementary agents in cancer therapy. Angiogenesis-inhibiting agents have the potential for inhibiting tumor growth and limiting the dissemination of metastasis, thus keeping cancers in a static growth state for prolonged periods. Black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) extract was discovered to be antiangiogenic (0.1% w/v) in a novel human tissue-based in vitro fibrin clot angiogenesis assay. Assay-guided fractionation of a crude black raspberry extract resulted in a highly potent antiangiogenic fraction that accounted for only 1% of the fresh weight of whole black raspberries. At 0.075% (w/v), the active fraction completely inhibited angiogenic initiation and angiogenic vessel growth. Further subfractionation of this active fraction revealed the coexistence of multiple antiangiogenic compounds, one of which has been identified as gallic acid. However, the individual subfractions did not outperform the active whole fraction. These findings suggest that an active black raspberry fraction may be a promising complementary cancer therapy. It is natural and potent enough for manageable dosing regimens. These extracts contain multiple active ingredients that may be additive or synergistic in their antiangiogenic effects. These observations warrant further investigations in animals and human trials.
PMID: 15884816 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
I experimented today in my blog some authentic info and scientific information,research based.  

Belly soother smoothie

1 cup skim or flaxseed milk
1 cup frozen unsweetened organic blueberries
1 Tbsp cold-pressed organic flaxseed oil (in a pinch, 2 Tbsp ground flaxseeds will do)
ice, to taste for consistency
Place in a powerful blender until desired consistency is reached. If using the flaxseed oil, blend all ingredients without the oil, and slowly stir in oil after transferring to glass.

1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup pitted cherries
3-5 strawberries, depending on size and freshness
1/2 avocado, peeled and pitted
1 scoop chocolate protein powder of your choice 
2 tsp ground flaxseed
1 tsp chia seeds
water or ice to thin, as needed (if using frozen fruit, ice may be unnecessary)
Place all ingredients in a powerful blender and blend to desired consistency. Enjoy!


AICR continued

Tropical Fruits (Recipes)
This article appears in the July 3, 2014 issue of AICR's eNews.
Fruit is an important part of a cancer-protective diet. Research suggests that fruit may reduce risk of cancers of the lung, esophagus, mouth, pharynx, larynx and stomach.

Whether you’re planning an exciting getaway or a relaxing “stay-cation”, these fruity recipes will make you feel like you’ve taken a trip to the tropics.


A medium kiwifruit has only 42 calories and serves up almost a day’s supply of vitamin C. One fruit provides 2 grams of fiber and a healthy dose of the mineral potassium. Kiwifruit also contains lutein, a cancer-fighting antioxidant and a relati of beta-carotene that appears to help protect against eye disease.

Honeydew Kiwi Smoothie

2 cups cubed honeydew melon, frozen or well chilled
1 ripe kiwi, peeled and slice
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 Tbsp. honey
2 mint sprigs, optional, for garnish
In blender, whirl melon, kiwi, lime juice and honey until smoothly blended. If using frozen melon, divide smoothie between 2 tall, narrow glasses. If using chilled melon, pour the smoothie into glasses filled with ice cubes. Garnish each glass with mint sprig, if desired, and serve immediately.


You may wonder how I wrte so many posts in one day. To clarify blogger was not working so had to jot the thoughts on notes ,then to transfer to blogger.
sprig, if desired, and serve immediately.


This sweet fruit provides beta-carotene and other carotenoids. Foods that contain carotenoids probably protect against cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and lung. Mangos are a rich source of vitamin C and folate. They also provide phenols, a class of phytochemicals studied for their cancer-prevention benefits.

Rice Salad with Mango and Black Beans

2 cups cooked brown rice
1 (15 oz.) can black beans, rinsed and drained
3/4 cup diced mango, 1/4-inch cubes
1/2 cup chopped and seeded plum tomato
1/3 cup chopped green onion, white and green parts

1/3 cup orange juice
1-2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 serrano chile pepper, or jalapeño pepper, coarsely chopped
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 Tbsp. canola oil
Salt and ground black pepper
2-3 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro
Combine rice, beans, mango, tomatoes and green onion in mixing bowl. This step may be done up to 2 hours before serving with salad covered and refrigerated.

For dressing, in blender or bowl of mini-food processor, whirl orange and lime juice, chile pepper, cumin and oregano until chile is ground up. Add oil and whirl to blend. Season to taste with salt and pepper. This may be done up to 2 hours before serving, and dressing refrigerated.

Just before serving, pour dressing over salad and toss with fork to combine (if salad has been refrigerated, let sit at room temperature for 20 minutes before dressing). Spoon salad into wide, shallow serving bowl, and sprinkle on cilantro. Serve immediately.

Makes about 4 1¼ cup per servings.

Per serving: 284 calories, 5 g total fat (< 1 g saturated fat), 51 g carbohydrate, 
10 g protein, 10 g dietary fiber, 201 mg sodium.


Larger than mangos and easy to cut, melon-textured papayas provide a host of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, folate and potassium as well as beta-carotene and lycopene. Foods containing lycopene seem to protect against prostate cancer.

Papaya Salsa with Jicama "Chips"

2 cups diced papaya
2/3 cup plum tomato, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup chopped seedless European cucumber, peeled
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
1 serrano or jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
1/4 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. sea salt
Ground black pepper, to taste
1 medium jicama
1/3 cup chopped cilantro

In mixing bowl, combine papaya, tomato, cucumber, onion and chile pepper, tossing gently with fork. In small bowl, whisk lime juice and cumin with sea salt and 3-4 grinds pepper until salt dissolves. Pour over salsa and toss to combine. Set aside for up to 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, use paring knife to peel brown skin from jicama and cut away fibrous layer beneath it. Cut a thin slice off bottom and stand jicama on work surface. Using large knife, cut jicama vertically into 1/8- to 1/4-inch slices. Stack oval slices, including uneven ones, and halve vertically. Cut slices longer than 4 inches into thirds. Sliced jicama can be stored in bowl of water in refrigerator for up to 8 hours if not serving immediately. Drain and pat dry before using.

Just before serving, mix cilantro into salsa. Spoon salsa into serving bowl in center of serving plate. Arrange sliced jicama around it to use as dippers.

Makes 4 servings.

Per serving: 105 calories, < 1 g total fat (0 g saturated fat, 25 g carbohydrate, 2 g protein, 10 g dietary fiber, 304 mg sodium.

Natural cures for H.Pylori

Did you know that a bacteria called H.pylori causes ulcers in stomach.
Now the traditional medical treatment uses heavy dose of antibiotics for 7 to 10 days minimum leaving person with possible unwanted side effects.
Moving over to food farmaceuticals,
Manuka honey atleast 1 tsf per day can help get rid of H. Pylori.  
2. Candied ginger or honey ginger combination
3. Eating plantain bananas causes increased mucus production of stomach lining ,thus preventing ulcers.
4. A tsf of aloe juice after food is good remedy
5. Cabbage is a good source of glut amine and hence healing ulcers.
Cabbage juice is good but cabbage soup is easy to handle.
6 a warm tea adding a tsf of cayenne pepper to a cup of warm water and sipping on it can help heal ulcers.
7. Nutmeg oil. Has many active ingredients that help heal ulcers.
8. Chewing on mastic gum has been shown to help heal ulcers.
9. Garlic eating atleast 9 cloves a day has shown benefit.
10. Pineapple has benefits in healing ulcers.
11. Rhubarb stalks show benefit. Do not eat rhubarb leaves as they are poisonous.

Black Raspberries

Black raspberries
Vow? This is month of July and for 3 weeks,in Oregon one should be able to get fresh black raspberries.this is not blackberries or red raspberries, these are black raspberries.
It seems research has been done on black raspberries in form of paste,extract and or freeze dried powders and it's super benefits for oral cancers,colon cancers and rectal cancers.
I carry on my office black raspberry extract in alcohol from a reputed company that participated in trials in patients with oral and colon cancers.
I also have used these berries with success in patients with lichen planus of mouth.
I have excellant clinical experience with special different berries like Aroniaberry.
I have a pure Aroniaberry juice available in office which is very popular with our patients.
Instead of drinking a soda or a sonic flavored drink with HFCS,just put few squirts of Aroniaberry juice in water and drink.The anthocyanins in the dark blue berry juices is very healthy,even to keep cancers at bay.Prevention is better .

Migrain headaches

I see a lot of patients with migraines and hate to give long term medications because of side effects, cost, and formulary preferences by insurance companies.

I did research and according to one of my preceptors Dr. Alan Gaby,

Foods that can increase or cause headaches are, HFCS, MSG, eggs, soy, artificial sweeteners, corn, wheat( gluten), casein and caffeine. Gluten in wheat can trigger migraines. Some patients benefit by avoiding oranges. - try to eliminate these foods one by one for 30 days and see if headaches improve.

Avoid tyramine containing foods like wines and aged cheese.

A combination of  riboflavin, a B vitamin called B2 even in a low dose of 25 micrograms, plus magnesium and feverfew herb can reduce recurrences.

CoQ10 works in patients who have been on "triptans" e.g Immitrax, Maxalt et. for long without benefit.

Dr. Nalini Dave


Toco- tropical smoothie

This smoothie adds Tocotrienols for an amazing boost of vitamins B1, B3, B6, and E, as well as potassium, iron and magnesium. The fresh fruit adds juicy, natural flavor, perfect to cool you off on a hot summer day!

2 Cups Almond Milk
1 Cup Organic Pineapple
1 Cup Organic Strawberries
1 Small Banana
2 Tbsp Tocotrienols
1 Tbsp Lucuma Powder
Combine all ingredients in a blender, add ice for a chilled experience, and blend until smooth!

Cherry chocolate

Cherry chocklate milk is very delicious.
You can buy promised land chocolate milk and to 12 oz of milk add a small bag of frozen,pit removed cherries and blend.
This can help improve sleep too.
Or, you can take any nut milk like almond milk,add cocoa, cherries,banana and blend.
Be sure cherries don't have the pit otherwise you may damage the blender.


Cherries. Eat Bing to Remove Sting.
This is the cherry season. Come September and the cherries are gone.
We were in Kazanluk,Bulgaria for my nephews wedding.
It is a beautiful town.
Several of the streets were lined with sour cherries and come a shower of rain ,hundreds of cherries were on the floor.
We had breakfast ,lunch and dinner everyday at Snezana Ivanovas parents house.
It was a wonderful time bonding with the new Bulgarian family for us.
I could open the kitchen window and have access to picking the cherries from cherry tree and which I did.
Snezanas mom made cherry juice every day for all of us to sip on all day.
It was very delicious and healthy drink.
I will share an easy cherry milk shake recipe.
Get a good quality chocolate milk from grocery store and add 20 or more frozen pitted 
i.e pits removed frozen cherries to this 12 oz of chocolate milk and blend.
Tasty cherry chocolate milkshake is ready.
Now,if we really want it healthy, use 1/2% milk!add 2 to 3 tsf of cacao nibs, tsf of honey,
25 or more frozen cherries and blend.much healthier version of cherry chocklate shake is ready.
Cherries are good in gout.
Cherries have melatonin which helps induce sleep,specially tart cherries.
Cherries are antiinflammatory with cox2 inhibitor like action.
Cherry juice reduces muscle soreness.
Blend some frozen red cherries with water and add juice of one lemon,and add some fresh greens,spinach or arugula and blend.You got red juice with green foam on top.
It is said 2 bowls of cherries for 28 days may relieve your arthritic pain for good.
If any of the above shake recipe is not sweet,use a pitted date in blender to add sweetness.

Cool cucumber lassi

Cool cucumber lassi

To relieve some hot summer heat you can blend some readymade buttermilk with 1/2 to 1 cucumber, and 1/4 of a bunch of cilantro leaves and add salt, crushed cumin powder( roasted).a tiny piece of mild green pepper or a very tiny piece of jalapeño can add zing to this drink.
This drink can be diluted with as much water as you like it to make it more watery.
It can serve as good lunchtime drink.
Alternately remove skin of cucumber and shred the cucumber and add it to a bowl of plain yogurt with salt, black pepper and mix and garnish with cilantro leaves.
Health benefits of this are probiotics from yogurt and health benefits of cucumber.

First ever smoothie

It is said that the first ever smoothie was created in Himalayas mixing yogurt and mango called Lassi.
The green smoothies are trending these days.
My favorite is water,pineapple,mango and Swiss chard and ice.
I am going to demonstrate this at the BAPS Dallas health fair on 13 th September 2014.

Brain health ( continued)

One of the best integrative neurologists,Dr.David Perlmutter suggests the following 7 supplements for brain health and prevention of Alzeimers.
Coconut oil
Alfa lipoic acid
Vitamin D3