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Saturday, September 27, 2014

The patient is the boss

Hello everybody,
In medicine we are always learning from our peer physicians.

I have been following Dr.David Katz M.D who studied Internal medicine and Preventive medicine and then headed a residency program that combined both and trained further residents.

He says:

No matter how many prescriptions you write or what advice you give to patient unless he is convinced that "he wants to make a change and be healthy", everything stays in the book, just like excellent medical records from all specialties that "examine every system and create a 10 page EMR note.
To reduce cost of medicine we now hire PAs and NPs and scribes and computer savvy staff so that we satisfy the appropriate authorities to make the book of medial record superb "5 star" rated medical records.

Coming to the point, in 1993, state of the art article was published in JAMA,that the incidence of chronic disease is reduced if we eat well, exercise and don't smoke.The article talked about the real causes of death in USA. People need skill power and willpower to achieve .

Dr.Katz states it's like sandbagging a levee if the patient is convicted that sugar is present in pretzel, tomato sauce, pizza sauce, breads and that they will read the label before buying.

They will reduce frequency of eating out and eat fresh home cooked meal.This is adding another sand bag to the levee.

I feel eat the smaller salad plate for dinner and fill it with 3/4th vegetable and or salad and rest 1/4th with lentils, beans or a protein .

It should help reduce BMI and reduce incidence of heart disease.

His site is

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