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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sodium content of Us packaged foods

A very interesting article on Sodium content of packaged foods appeared in American Journal of clinical nutrition.
It is said that higher salt intake was associated with High B.P
  Meat dishes and canned soups had highest  amounts of sodium.
The recommended daily intake of sodium is 2500 mg and in African Americans with B.P and kidney disease is even lesser like 1500 mg.
Salad dressings,pasta dressings and pasta dishes had very high sodium.

Benefits of nut consumption

I was reading the American Journal of Clinical nutrition and found an interesting study on nut consumption and incidence of cardiovascular disease.
Nuts are rich in nutrients like folate,niacin,vitaminD,vitB6.They are rich in Macronutrients such as unsaturated  fatty acids,dietary fiber,phytoestrogens,phytochemicals,andmicronutrientssuch as essential minerals including Copper,magnesium,potassium and zinc.
Nut consumption reduces risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
     magnesium was shown to decrease BP by acting as caLcium channel  blocker.
Nut intake improved lipid profiles,increasd fiber intake.
Nut consumption reduced inflammatory markers like CRP"    IL6,fibrinogen.Overall reduced mortality in males with nut consumtion.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Paleo diet

Paleo diet is basically what our hunter gatherer ancestors ate, like grass fed meat,wild caught fish,roots,tubers,veggies,fruits while avoiding grains,legumes,sugars,processed foods,dairy.
What is the difference between vegan  and paleo diets.
Vegans believe animal products cause chronic disease .Diets high in veggies,fruits,grains is best.
Paleo diets include veggies too but feel grass fed and wild meats are imp and they believe grains starches and sugars are the real health killers.
There is a big discussion of which diet is healthy but gluten contains refined grains can be problematic.
Buckwheat,Quinoa,and millet are healthy grains.
In Paleo,avoid factory farmed meats and eat low mercury fish.
Brown rice,amaranth,ka it offer quick energy

Saturday, February 7, 2015

MCI continued

Improve social interactions.
Connect with friends and family.
Avoid alcohol addiction
Avoid Tobacco/ hukkah
Other good supplements are,resveratrol,green tea,Quercetin,Curcumin,inositol,melatonin,coQ 10,
Medicines should be last lines of defense.
Other supplements are Gastrodin extracted from the root of exotic orchid,uridine 5'- mono phosphate a nucleotide.
Phosphatidyl serine
Folic acid
5- HTP
Learning new language,or game or an art stimulates neurogenesis.


This is called Mild cognitive Impairment.
This is a definite problem.
Misplacing keys,forgetting names,entering a room and can't remember why?
Is this all stress related or first signs of MCI.
Causes of MCI are,
What can we do?
We have to make a definite attempt to change to improve.
Choice of what we eat,whether we exercise,our quality of life.
Eat foods that represent color of rainbow,regular exercise,nutritional supplements.
Walnuts,pecans,Brazil nuts,sunflower seeds help brain.
Fish is considered Brain food,Salmon.Sardines,mackerel are good sources.
Flavonoids support brain function.these are found in Berries,dark fruits and vegetables,dark beans,
Spices like dill,parsley.thyme.
Calorie restriction or fasting.
Exercise boosts Brain derived neurotrophic factor which is critical for neurogenesis.( BDNF)
Supplements that can help are,
Fish oil
Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng
Acetyl l Carnitine
Methyl cobalamin,and more info on next blog.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Hi friends,
We are going to talk about the green pistachio nuts a serving of pistachio is 49 nuts.
Let us see the health benefits,
One serving of pistachio has 49 is rich in copper,magnesium,selenium.
One serving of pistachio has as much potassium as an orange.
Pistachios are good source of B6 vitamin.
They are high in phytosterols which can reduce cholesterol.
It is cholesterol free.
It has good amount of fiber.
Have you ever added ground cardamom ,just 1/4 tsf to your cappuccino?
You can mix milk with pistachios and blend and use it as a topping froth for the cappuccino.
A carrot juice or a cream of cashew carrot soup can be topped with chopped pistachio.
A glass of warmed upMilk can be topped with a mixture of nuts,cardamom,nutmeg and saffron.